Please fill out this form to create your membership profile. The * shows required information fields. You only need to register once for any of our Games. You only need to register once to open your FREE gaming account and create your first character avatar. You may create character avatars based on your subscription. The rules explain how to do this.
Your membership level determines how many avatar characters are available to you in any game.
As a "Registered Guest", Your first (#1) character is FREE. This avatar is available in any game mode for as long as you remain an "Active" member! See Membership FAQ
Playing via postal mail, "HTML eMail" or FAX does require a small processing fee for any of your character's game turn. This is fully explained in the Rulebook .
In a few minutes, you will receive an eMail with your uniquely generated Identification number. Use your personal ID in all your role-playing Game Turn Orders (GTO).